sunday school


Sunday - 9AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship

Rally Day and Swim Party

Sunday, September 13, will be the kick-off for the new Sunday School year.  We will install all our Sunday School and Children’s Church staff during the worship service.  Following the service we will be going to the home of Kyle and Shawna Parry for lunch (hot dogs) and swimming.  All the youth are invited.


Sunday school for all ages

Join us each Sunday for Sunday School for all ages and Children’s church Sunday, at 9:00 a.m. We will have things sanitized and will do our best with social distancing. This is a blessing for our adults and especially our children to be encouraged and instructed with God’s word. However, we do understand if you are not ready to return. If you do have any questions please give us a call (903.792.5253). Look forward to seeing you there.